How Might Excessive Sweating Affect You?
Some of us sweat excessively, beyond what may be considered normal. Excessive sweating is a medical condition called hyperhidrosis.
Hyperhidrosis may impact the clothes you can wear, as well as the type of activities and work you can undertake. In some cases, excessive sweating can begin to erode self-esteem and even create self-doubt and anxiety. Interestingly, anxiety can promote further sweating, enabling a vicious cycle to ensue.
Excessive sweating may occur all over your body, but more typically is reported to affect your armpits, hands, feet, forehead, nose, and upper lip.
Excessive sweating in the armpits is medically known as axillary hyperhidrosis and is the most common complaint.
How Can Melbourne’s Dr. Jodie Clinic Assist With Your Concerns Around Excessive Sweating?
The Dr. Jodie clinic offers comprehensive consultations to address your hyperhidrosis concerns.
Your consultation will review factors that contribute to your excessive sweating, the severity of your problem, the measures you have tried and failed, and outline a range of solutions that may offer some relief.
Did you know that axillary hyperhidrosis treatments may attract a Medicare rebate when administered in an approved dermatology office? Your Dr. Jodie clinician can help organise a specialist referral if indicated if certain criteria have been met. Less scrupulous providers may ignore your options and simply treat you in their own clinic at an inflated cost without considering your financial circumstances. You can rely on advice offered at the Dr. Jodie clinic to have your best interests at heart.
Tailored Approach To Excessive Sweating At The Dr. Jodie Clinic In Melbourne
Whatever body part you are treating for excessive sweating, your Dr. Jodie clinician can tailor your hyperhidrosis treatment to meet your individual needs. Sweating doesn’t always happen in a symmetrical manner (especially armpits, but also hands) and requirements may vary between individuals depending on genetics, gender and the surface area affected. These are all aspects of care your Dr. Jodie clinician is highly experienced in managing. Most importantly, she will ensure that your body part being treated for hyperhidrosis does not suffer from a loss of function, such as hand weakness for treatment of sweaty palms. When it comes to treatment of facial sweating, you can also feel confident your Dr. Jodie clinician will always achieve an aesthetically pleasing result, not just a reduction in sweating.
Trust The Dr. Jodie Clinic For Your Excessive Sweating Concerns
Hyperhidrosis treatments can deliver effective reductions in sweating but must be administered by an experienced clinician to ensure proper function and aesthetics are maintained. You can trust Dr. Jodie to deliver your treatment for excessive sweating in just the right way for you. Dr. Jodie is a sought-after national clinical trainer for a leading pharmaceutical company and has educated other doctors and nurses in the particulars of hyperhidrosis treatments. She has worked alongside leading dermatologists in Melbourne for over a decade, with extensive experience in a multitude of hyperhidrosis treatments, and has all the required contacts if referral is needed. With a background in family medicine, Dr. Jodie will always take a holistic approach to your care. She has trained and mentored her own Dr. Jodie clinicians to operate in just the same way, so you can feel confident of the high standard of care that you will receive at the Dr. Jodie clinic.