Dr. Jodie is a National Clinical Trainer & Cosmetic Doctor With Over 15 Years Experience

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Brow Lift
Key Points Forhead Lines
  • Forehead lines are horizontal wrinkles that occur because of muscle movement.
  • Sometimes forehead lines are due to forehead hollows from volume loss in the forehead itself.
  • Skin thinning and laxity can also contribute to the development of forehead lines.
  • The Dr. Jodie clinic offers consultations on how to treat forehead lines.
  • Facial assessment and selecting an experienced clinician are key to a good outcome.

Why Do Forehead Lines Form?

Forehead lines are horizontal lines that form because of movement of your underlying forehead muscle, called frontalis. Forehead lines are typically the lines of someone who frequently expresses concern by raising their eyebrows up and down. Your frontalis muscle is the only muscle responsible for pulling your eyebrows up, while your frown complex is responsible for pulling your eyebrows down.

Forehead lines are compounded by age-related loss of volume and structure in your forehead. This occurs due to bone resorption, as well as shrinkage of both superficial and deep fat pads within the forehead.

Thinning of skin and skin laxity also contribute to the development and appearance of forehead lines. Aged skin has a lower content of elastin and collagen and can no longer act as a tight outer envelope that bounces back after movement. This means that forehead lines are more likely to become ingrained over time with facial ageing.

Interestingly, loss of volume and structure in your forehead and unfavourable changes in skin through ageing can cause your brow to sag and your frontalis muscle to work even harder to lift it back up, worsening forehead lines.

Unfortunately, forehead lines and wrinkles can make you look older than you are, even if they are a normal physiological part of growing older.

How Can Melbourne’s Dr. Jodie Clinic Help With Your Forehead Lines?

At the Dr. Jodie clinic, we offer consultations about your forehead line concerns.

As multiple factors contribute to the appearance of forehead lines, your treatment approach will be multi-pronged. It will include a combination of medical treatments, skin care, skin peels, LED therapy, mono threads, Laser Genesis, and the Scarlet S Radio Frequency Microneedling.

Please note that any treatment that includes the use of schedule 4 medications cannot legally be advertised online, as directed by our governing body the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), so it is not a feature of our discussion here.

The appropriate choice of treatment demands a comprehensive consultation and assessment.

What Is Involved In Your Consultation About Your Forehead Lines At The Dr. Jodie Clinic?

Your Dr. Jodie clinician will carefully assess your face to determine the main contributing factors to your forehead lines. She will also assess your suitability for treatment based on this information and your medical history. Once clear, she will outline a treatment plan that documents the most appropriate course of action. Your Dr. Jodie clinician will take the time to explain the treatment process step-by-step. She will outline associated risks and benefits and any costs that you can expect to incur. All your questions will be comprehensively answered and standardised clinical photography will be used to record your progress.

Tailored Approach To Forehead Lines In Melbourne

Using a tailored approach, your Dr. Jodie clinician will administer your treatment to your exact needs, taking into account many aspects, including the number, depth and pattern of your lines; the strength of muscle movement in your forehead area; the presence of any forehead hollows; and the presence of any low hanging eyelid skin (which may worsen if your brow becomes 'heavy'). You can feel confident that your Dr. Jodie clinician will design your treatment to suit your unique face. Your personalised plan means you’ll never have to settle for any kind of ‘one size fits all’ cosmetic care. Moreover, she also understands the important differences between feminine and masculine looking foreheads and will tailor her treatment accordingly. You can feel confident of a refreshed look that is never frozen.

Refreshed Focus For Forehead Line Concerns At Melbourne’s Dr. Jodie Clinic

Forehead lines can convey negative expressions like worry or stress, even when you are feeling relaxed and happy. Your Dr. Jodie clinician understands how important it is to create a refreshed look that is congruent with your emotional tone. Her considered assessment and advanced techniques will ensure you avoid the tell-tale signs of poor cosmetic work. We have all seen foreheads that appear overly frozen, brows that arch excessively with pesky lines above their outer edge, and brows that droop or flatten out too much creating heavy upper eyelids after treatment. Your Dr. Jodie clinician understands the nuances of treatment required to achieve a normal looking outcome. She also recognises that concomitant frown treatment is imperative for your best result – forehead lines should never be addressed in isolation. Your forehead and frown together dictate the position of your brow on your face, so careful balance with an experienced clinician is essential. At the Dr. Jodie clinic, you can relax knowing she will always provide meticulous care that leaves you looking refreshed, but just like you.

Trust The Dr. Jodie Clinic For Forehead Wrinkle Concerns In Melbourne

If your forehead lines are making you look and feel older than you are, the Dr. Jodie clinic can help. From the comfort of our welcoming centre in Melbourne, you can expect a subtle results when you undergo forehead line treatment. With over 15 years of experience as a cosmetic doctor and a background in family medicine, Dr. Jodie will provide a holistic approach to your cosmetic care. She is sought-after as a national clinical trainer for one of the largest pharmaceutical companies globally, educating many doctors, specialists, and nurses in Melbourne in the art of cosmetic treatment. Dr. Jodie has trained all her clinicians to provide the same high level of care and operate in the same way. Our tailored approach to forehead line treatments will ensure you will look fresh and vibrant, as well as one hundred percent you.

For a consultation to discuss your forehead line concerns at the Dr. Jodie clinic in Melbourne, including Ashwood, Balwyn, Blackburn, Box Hill, Burwood, Camberwell, Canterbury, Forest Hill, Mont Albert, Surrey Hills, and more, call 0422232067 or click below to book an appointment online