Dr. Jodie is a National Clinical Trainer & Cosmetic Doctor With Over 15 Years Experience

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Chin Dimpling And Creases

Chin Lines
Key Points Download
  • Chin wrinkles and lines can appear as tiny dimples over your chin surface or as a prominent crease between your lip and chin.
  • It is possible to minimise your chin dimpling and soften your prominent crease with a combination approach.
  • Your Dr. Jodie clinician offer consultations to on chin dimpling and creases.

Why Does Chin Dimpling And Chin Creasing Occur?

There are various type of chin wrinkles and lines.

Some chin wrinkles appear as tiny dimples all over your chin skin and are caused by the repetitive movement of your underlying muscle, known as mentalis, with speaking or chewing. Mentalis originates on your jawbone and attaches to your skin in a pattern resembling broccoli florets, which explains the dimpled appearance we often observe. This dimpling is sometimes called an ‘orange peel’ effect. Chin dimpling can occur due to an overactive mentalis muscle, or it can be a consequence of lack of chin projection.

Others chin lines may appear as a prominent horizontal crease, known as your mental crease, between your lip and your chin. This, too, is often due to loss of structural support from the chin below or from the tissues around your mouth. Not only can a prominent mental crease cause the chin to appear shortened, but it can also contribute to an upside-down smile or saggy mouth, which can add years to your appearance.

All of these changes, however, are normal parts of physiological ageing.

How Can The Dr. Jodie Clinic Help With Your Concerns About Chin Dimpling and Chin Creases?

At the Dr. Jodie clinic, we offer consultations on how to address your chin dimpling and mental crease.

Your Dr. Jodie clinician will carefully analyse your face to see if you would benefit from treatment.

A combination of solutions will be considered, including medical treatments, skin care, skin peels, LED therapy, mono threads, and devices, such as Laser Genesis and the Scarlet S Radio Frequency Microneedling.

Please note that any treatment that includes the use of schedule 4 medications cannot legally be advertised online, as directed by our governing body the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), so it is not a feature of our discussion here.

But your first step is always consultation with your Dr. Jodie clinician.

What Is Involved At Your Appointment For Your Chin Dimpling And Chin Crease Concerns At The Dr. Jodie Clinic?

Your Dr. Jodie clinician will carefully assess your face to identify whether your main issue is chin dimpling or your mental crease or both. She will ascertain the key contributing causes and suggest ways to address each in turn. Based on her analysis, a treatment plan will be formulated personalised to your individual needs, taking into account any significant medical history and suitability for treatment. Your treatment plan will be carefully explained. At the Dr. Jodie clinic, we believe in informed medical and financial consent, so you will always understand what is involved in the treatment process, the benefits and risks, and any associated costs. You will have ample time for questions and can document your progress with standardised clinical photography.

Tailored Approach To Chin Dimpling And Creases At The Dr. Jodie Clinic In Melbourne.

You can trust that your Dr. Jodie clinician will always tailor your treatment based on your unique pattern of muscle movement and chin shape. There is no ‘one size fits all’ or ‘cookie cutter’ approach. She will assess your chin needs in the context of your entire face and understands how changes to your chin can impact your jawline and profile. Your Dr. Jodie clinician will always deliver personalised cosmetic care and recognises that every face, and indeed every chin, is unique and requires an individual blueprint to refresh.

Natural Looking Focus For Chin Concerns In Melbourne

With the know-how and experience of your Dr. Jodie clinician, you can feel confident that your result will always suit your face and appear natural. She prides herself on delivering subtle yet significant results that are never fake. In the wrong hands, your chin may appear overly pointy or bulky, or your smile may be negatively impacted. There a many overlapping muscles in the lower face that if accidentally affected can cause a skew mouth, like that you may see in some stroke victims.  So, it is important that your chosen clinician is experienced in lower face treatments to refresh your natural look.

Trust The Dr. Jodie Clinic For Your Chin Concerns In Melbourne

With over 15 years of experience as a cosmetic doctor, Dr. Jodie is a trusted name in Melbourne for management of your chin concerns. She takes a ‘whole face approach’ to your assessment, treatment planning and treatment delivery, so all aspects of ageing that impact your face are considered. As a national clinical trainer for one of the largest pharmaceutical companies globally, Dr. Jodie is a sought-after educator for specialists, doctors, and nurses in the latest techniques and treatment approaches. She has personally trained and mentored her Dr. Jodie clinicians so you can feel confident of the high level of care you will receive. Throughout the process, your health and desired result will be equally prioritised by all. Best of all, you can feel reassured of a refreshed look.

For a consultation to discuss your chin dimpling and chin crease at the Dr. Jodie clinic in Melbourne, including Ashwood, Balwyn, Blackburn, Box Hill, Burwood, Camberwell, Canterbury, Forest Hill, Mont Albert, Surrey Hills, and more, call 0422232067 or click below to book an appointment online.