Dr. Jodie is a National Clinical Trainer & Cosmetic Doctor With Over 15 Years Experience

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Chin Concerns (Small Chin) Melbourne

Chin Reshaping
Key Points Chin Reshaping
  • A recessed chin is one that lacks prominence or projection.
  • It is possible to add structure and volume to shape your chin.
  • Chin shape greatly influences your facial proportions and balance.
  • Your Dr. Jodie clinician offer consultations on how to treat recessed chins.

Why Do Recessed Chins Occur?

A recessed chin has traditionally been called a 'weak chin', which is pretty unfair to make character assassinations based on your chin position! A recessed chin is one that does not project forward well and falls well behind the projection of your lips. A recessed chin is typically genetically determined. Your parents and grandparents are the biggest predictors of how you look and how your face shape changes as you mature. However, a recessed chin can also be worsened by the effects of facial ageing.

The jawbone undergoes significant bone resorption as you age. This occurs mainly in the pre-jowl area underlying the chin, as well as the angle of the jaw, leading to loss of jawbone height and a shortened chin.

There is gradual loss of some superficial and deep fat too, exacerbating facial volume loss and changes in chin shape.

In some cases, your chin muscle, known as mentalis, may weaken, further shrinking the appearance of your chin. In other cases, however, it may hypertrophy or enlarge and become hyperactive, causing your chin to ‘ball up’ and shorten with movement.

Mature saggy skin, too, means that repeated contractions of your mentalis muscle may lead to a dimpled appearance. So not only can ageing cause chin shape changes, but it can also cause an unsightly ‘orange peel’ effect and loose skin.

Ultimately, all of these changes are part of normal facial ageing.

How Can Melbourne’s Dr. Jodie Clinic Help With Your Chin Concerns?

The Dr. Jodie Clinic offers comprehensive consultations for those who suffer from chin recession anfd other chin concerns. Your Dr. Jodie clinician understands that a ‘weak chin’ can profoundly affect your side profile, your overall face shape, and your confidence. The great news is that non-surgical treatments can offer a wonderful alternative to invasive plastic surgery and chin implants.

The Dr. Jodie clinic offers a multitude of solutions to help address your recessed chin, including medical treatments, skin care, skin peels, LED therapy, mono threads, Laser Genesis, and Scarlet S Radio Frequency Microneedling. A combination approach is recommended to achieve your best result.

Please note that any treatment that includes the use of schedule 4 medications cannot legally be advertised online, as directed by our governing body the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), so it is not a feature of our discussion here.

Your treatment plan must always begin with a thorough consultation and assessment.

What Is Involved in Your Consultation At Melbourne’s Dr. Jodie Clinic For A Recessed Chin?

Your Dr. Jodie clinician will take the time to understand your concerns about your chin and systematically analyse your face to identify your main causes for chin recession. Following assessment, she will carefully outline your treatment options with a personalised treatment plan designed to meet your unique needs.

She will explain your treatment process in detail, as well as your risk-benefit profile, your expected outcome, and your financial obligations. She will guide your choices to fit with your lifestyle and budget and you will have ample opportunity to have all your questions answered. Your Dr. Jodie clinician will even document your progress with standardised clinical photography.

Tailored Approach To Recessed Chin At The Dr. Jodie Clinic In Melbourne.

Your chin shape, length and width can dramatically impact on your overall face shape, facial balance, and your attractiveness. The lower third of your face should be equal in length to your middle and upper thirds. A short, recessed chin creates a shorter, squarer lower third, which disrupts this ratio and may leave an unbalanced look. Similarly, your chin should balance with your cheeks like a tripod, with similar degrees of projection. A recessed chin can make you appear cheek heavy, or conversely, make you look like you have no chin at all. It can also cause your bottom lip to sag or droop from lack of support from below.

Your Dr. Jodie clinician understands these concepts and will create a plan tailored to your needs to restore your chin shape, face shape, and balance. There is no ‘cookie cutter’ approach when it comes to treating a recessed chin, just a plan dedicated to your unique requirements of your unique face.

Refreshed Focus For Chin Concerns In Melbourne

Interestingly, enhancing your chin and side profile will undoubtedly improve your natural attractiveness when viewed from the front. The right chin shape will blend seamlessly with your jawline, accentuating the angles of your face. The right amount of chin projection will improve your overall face shape and balance. Proportions are a key facet of beauty that must be considered when undergoing any cosmetic intervention. Your Dr. Jodie clinician will always prioritise your proportions when treating your recessed chin to ensure you have a subtle, normal looking result that suits your face. A holistic approach that addresses all aspects of ageing, including bone and fat loss, muscle movement, and skin changes, will render a more refreshed outcome that is the signature of the Dr. Jodie clinic.

Your Dr. Jodie clinician also understands the differences between a masculine chin and a feminine chin. With a masculine chin, your chin width should be the same width as the mouth and your chin shape tends to be squarer. With a feminine chin, your chin width should match the width of your nose and your chin shape is typically rounder or slightly pointier. The good news is that your Dr. Jodie clinician is experienced in delivering gender sensitive treatments and understands the nuances involved in treatment delivery.

Trust The Dr. Jodie Clinic For Your Chin Concerns In Melbourne

The Dr. Jodie clinic is a trusted name in Melbourne when it comes all your chin concerns. Dr. Jodie has over 15 years of industry experience and is a national clinical trainer for one of the largest pharmaceutical companies globally, educating specialists, doctors, and nurses in the nuances of treatment. She takes a ‘whole face’ approach to your assessment, treatment planning and treatment delivery. She has hand-selected and personally trained her entire Dr. Jodie team, so you can feel certain of the high-quality care that you will receive at the Dr. Jodie clinic. With longer appointment times and a welcoming, warm environment, you can relax knowing you are in good hands.

For a consultation to discuss your recessed chin at the Dr. Jodie clinic in Melbourne, including Ashwood, Balwyn, Blackburn, Box Hill, Burwood, Camberwell, Canterbury, Forest Hill, Mont Albert, Surrey Hills, and more, call 0422232067 or click below to book an appointment online.