Dr. Jodie is a National Clinical Trainer & Cosmetic Doctor With Over 15 Years Experience

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Above Lip Lines Treatment Melbourne

Cheek Filler Melbourn
Key Points Above Lip Lines
  • Above lip lines are vertical lines that develop above your lip.
  • They are often due to muscle movement, volume loss and lax skin.
  • These lines are most obvious when we purse our lips or speak.
  • It is possible to soften upper lip lines,
  • Your Dr. Jodie clinician offers consultations on how to treat upper lip lines, so you look, move and speak normally.

Why Do Lines Form Above Your Lip?

Many women develop vertical lines above their lips in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Lines that were once only present when pursing your lips, can start to become permanently etched around your mouth.

This results from repeated muscle movement from regular talking or pursing or even previous smoking habits, and, in fact, these lines have commonly been referred to as ‘smoker’s lines’ in the past. The muscle responsible is called orbicularis oris and its superficial layer inserts into the skin around the mouth for the purpose of facial expression and speech.

Above lip lines are also due to natural ageing with loss of volume and structure above your lip and loss of firmness and elasticity within your skin, which allows your skin to crease more easily with movement of the muscle below. Age-related skin changes are particularly pertinent to understanding why these lines form. Lack of collagen and elastin means mature skin is less able to recover from the pressure of repeated bunching and creasing over time, unlike the youthful skin. Children and young adults have adequate collagen and elastin to withstand these forces so permanent lines do not form.

Interestingly, men do not suffer from lines above the lip as much as women, as male stubble or the presence of a moustache will offer some protection from UV exposure and the shaving process seems to improve skin quality by exfoliating and stimulating collagen.

How Can Melbourne’s Dr. Jodie Clinic Help With Your Above Lip Lines?

At the Dr. Jodie clinic, we offer consultations to address your concerns about lines above your lip.

Your consultation will offer solution-focused advice, but more importantly, it will provide a holistic approach to your concerns about facial ageing in a comprehensive way.

A combination approach that targets all factors contributing to the formation of these lines will usually be recommended and may include medical treatments, skin care, skin peels, LED therapy, mono threads, and other devices, such as Laser Genesis and the Scarlet S Radio Frequency Microneedling.

Please note that any treatment that includes the use of schedule 4 medications cannot legally be advertised online, as directed by our governing body the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), so it is not a feature of our discussion here.

You can rely on your Dr. Jodie clinician to guide your choices.

What Is Involved In My Consultation For Above Lip Lines At Melbourne’s Dr. Jodie Clinic?

Your Dr. Jodie clinician will review your medical history to ensure you are a suitable candidate for treatment. She will carefully assess your face, with a focus on the identifying the age-related or genetic changes that contribute to the presence of lines above your lip. Based on her findings, she will device a personalised treatment plan just for you. During your consultation, your Dr. Jodie clinician will discuss the pros and cons of each treatment at length, as well as any anticipated costs. If you are someone who sings or speaks professionally, it is particularly important that you understand the risk profile as some treatments can affect your speech or smile, so a considered approach with an experienced provider is essential. You will have plenty of opportunity to ask questions and we will document your process with standardised clinical photography.

Tailored Approach To Above Lip Lines In Melbourne

Above lip lines can make you appear older than your years, even though they are a normal part of ageing. From the comfort of our Melbourne clinic, your Dr. Jodie clinician will describe a multitude of ways to help create a fresher look. She will meticulously assess your face and tailor your treatment to your individual needs, taking the utmost care not to impact on your smile or mouth function. At the Dr. Jodie clinic, we always aim to ensure that you receive just the right balance for your unique face and requirements. You will never have to settle for a ‘one size fits all’ or ‘cookie cutter’ approach.

Refreshed Focus Above Lip Lines Concerns In Melbourne’s Dr. Jodie Clinic

Repeated pursing of your lips over time with talking or smoking can result in visible lines that are etched into the skin above your lips. Once an ingrained line forms, it can act like a scar. Even in the right hands, above lip lines can be challenging to treat. However, in the wrong hands, treatment could leave you looking worse! It is imperative that you have an experienced clinician who provides light-handed work with a discerning aesthetic eye. At the Dr. Jodie clinic, you can feel confident that you will receive a subtle outcome. Your Dr. Jodie clinician will aim to create a result that suits your unique face by correcting your age-related or genetic changes in a way that helps smooth the entire area around your mouth. She will endeavour to ensure your smile and speech and the function of your mouth remain intact. Your Dr. Jodie clinician will take a ‘whole face’ approach to your assessment and treatment to ensure all aspects contributing to your above lip lines are addressed.

Trust The Dr. Jodie Clinic With Your Above Lip Lines Concerns

Dr. Jodie takes a holistic approach to treatment of your above lip lines and has carefully coached her clinicians to operate in the same way.  She has trained extensively with some of Melbourne’s leading cosmetic dermatologists and has over 15 years of experience as a cosmetic doctor. Dr Jodie is also a national clinical trainer for a leading global pharmaceutical company and regularly educates other doctors and specialists in the nuances of cosmetic treatments. She has trained her Dr. Jodie clinicians to provide the same high level of care, so you can feel confident that your treating clinician has an astute understanding of how best to approach your concerns.  At the Dr. Jodie clinic, we offer longer appointment times for thorough assessment and careful delivery of treatment. As a trusted name in Melbourne for above lip lines concerns, we always prioritise your health and well-being as much as your aesthetic result.

For a consultation to discuss your concerns about your above lip lines at the Dr. Jodie clinic in Melbourne, including Ashwood, Balwyn, Blackburn, Box Hill, Burwood, Camberwell, Canterbury, Forest Hill, Mont Albert, Surrey Hills, and more, call 0422232067 or click below to book an appointment online.